Friday, August 05, 2011

TFS Unshelve to different branch

TFS Unshelve to different branch

For example (Trunk -> Branch)

Prerequisites :
Download and install the latest TFS Power tools

Steps :

1. Go to Console (cmd.exe)

2. Go to your target folder. otherwise you will get this error “unable to determine the workspace”

cd D:\Source\Branch1

3. execute tfpt.exe

tfpt unshelve ShelveName1 /migrate /source:$/Project/Trunk /target:$/Project/Branches/Branch1”

Here is the syntax : tfpt unshelve “MySampleShelveName” /migrate /source:”$/MyTeamProject/TheOrigionalBranch” /target:”TheDestinationBranch”

4. Confirm to unshelve

5. Merge

6. Check your pending changes (DONE)



If you get the error => “unable to determine the workspace”

NOTE: Take the latest from your source control and “cd” to a local path that is mapped to thetarget workspace. Also ensure that the current working directory is mapped, you can run “tf workspace” and see if the target folders are mapped.