Here are my favourite links to refresh or introduce Javascript to new comers. by Douglas Crockford
Javascript is a wild language which need to be tamed.
Here are some js pattern which I think best pattern to tackle down the scoping and closure issue which called (Module Pattern)
Recently I build a framework called SiteUI which follows this pattern and give you protection and flexibility.
SiteUI.BaseUI = function (options)
//default options
var defaultsOpt = {
//set it to false otherwise, when you disable from the ajax, it when postback it will enable all your control
//but if you have other reason you can do so.
disableAllButtonOnSubmit: false,
ajaxProcessMessage: "Processing..."
var options = $.extend(defaultsOpt, options);
//optional value - to disable all button on submit or not
var disableAllButtonOnSubmit = options.disableAllButtonOnSubmit;
var setDisableAllButtonOnSubmit = function (value)
disableAllButtonOnSubmit = value;
var ajaxProcessMessage = options.ajaxProcessMessage;
var setAjaxProcessMessage = function (value)
ajaxProcessMessage = value;
//Shopping Cart Control
var shoppingCartControl = null;
var ddlPostbackSelector = '.ddlPostback';
var txtPostbackSelector = '.txtPostback';
var btnPostbackSelector = '.btnPostback';
var chkPostbackSelector = '.chkPostback';
var loadingSelector = '.postbackLoading';
var loaderHtml = "<img src='/images/ajax-loader.gif' class='postbackLoading' style='width:15px;height:15px;position:absolute; z-index:9999;' />";
var isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary = false;
//this to indication a form validator after call back - (CommonFormValidator.js option)
var formValidator_CallBack = function (source, isValid)
//alert('formValidator_CallBack : ' + isValid);
if (!isValid)
//not valid - hide loading temporary - because this will be called first before click happen
isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary = true;
//Show loading
var showLoadingBeforePostback = function (source, addLoadingToParent)
//alert('showLoadingBeforePostback isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary: ' + isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary);
if (!isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary)
//add loader html after
if (addLoadingToParent)
showPageLoader(); //show page loader
showPageLoader(); //show page loader
//set it to false again
isHideLoadingBeforePostbackTemporary = false;
//Clear Loading Function
var clearLoading = function ()
//show Page loader - this using jquery.loader this will disable all the button automatically
var showPageLoader = function ()
className: "loaderBox",
content: ''
//hide page loader
var hidePageLoader = function ()
//Show Hide Loading On Content
var showHideLoadingOnContent = function (contentSelector, isShow)
if (isShow)
$(contentSelector).before(loaderHtml); //add loader after it fades
//show loading
showPageLoader(); //show page loader to hide
$(contentSelector).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 150);
//hide loading - remove all loading selector
$(loadingSelector).remove(); //remove loader first
hidePageLoader(); // hide page loader
//just in case if in the beginning it hides this
$(contentSelector).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 150);
//redirect content
var redirectContent = function (url, contentSelector)
if (contentSelector)
{ //only if they pass content selector we can redirect with show and hide loading
showHideLoadingOnContent(contentSelector, true);
window.location = url;
//update content
var updateContent = function (responseText, contentSelector, updateContent_Callback)
if (updateContent_Callback)
//hide loading on content
showHideLoadingOnContent(contentSelector, false);
//Used to track last Request Ajax URL
var lastRequestAjaxUrl = "";
//load content
var loadContent = function (ajaxUrl, relatedData, contentSelector, updateContent_Callback)
showHideLoadingOnContent(contentSelector, true);
lastRequestAjaxUrl = ajaxUrl;
type: "POST",
url: ajaxUrl,
data: relatedData,
complete: function (data, stat)
//only process last request ajax url
if (this.url == lastRequestAjaxUrl)
//$.log("Update this " + this.url + " VS " + lastRequestAjaxUrl);
if (stat == "success")
var isError = true;
updateContent(data.responseText, contentSelector, updateContent_Callback);
updateContent("<p>Error Loading Data : " + stat + ' : ' + data.responseText + "</p>", contentSelector, updateContent_Callback);
//$.log("Dispose this ajax " + this.url + " VS " + lastRequestAjaxUrl);
// *************** MICROSOFT AJAX INIT - HANDLE ALL AJAX CALL*******************
var initMicrosoftAjaxRequest = function ()
/// <reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js"/>
if (typeof (Sys) != 'undefined' && typeof (Sys.WebForms) != 'undefined')
var microsoftAJAX_App_Init = function ()
var postbackTriggerElement;
var microsoftAJAX_BeginRequest = function (sender, args)
if (disableAllButtonOnSubmit)
//disable all button
postbackTriggerElement = args.get_postBackElement()
var ctrl = $(postbackTriggerElement);
//remove all validation error
if ("input:checkbox") ||"input:radio"))
ctrl.hide(); //hide this check box
if (!ctrl.hasClass("noLoaderOnPostback"))
showLoadingBeforePostback(ctrl, true); //show loading on this control
else if ("input:submit"))
{ //you can change it to other
if (ctrl.hasClass("waitLabelOnPostback"))
if (ajaxProcessMessage != "")
if (ctrl.hasClass("disableOnPostback"))
ctrl.attr('disabled', true); //disable but later on postback it will enable or disable based on the behaviour
if (!ctrl.hasClass("noLoaderOnPostback"))
{ //other items show loading
//show loading on this control
if (!ctrl.hasClass("noLoaderOnPostback"))
var microsoftAJAX_pageLoaded = function (sender, args)
if (!postbackTriggerElement)
//get updated panels and referesh
var updatedPanels = args.get_panelsUpdated();
for (i = 0; i < updatedPanels.length; i++)
//apply filter textbox
//set rating
//set date picker
//set text area counter
//Call Microsoft AJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunciton() if available
if (typeof (microsoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction) == 'function')
//end request
var microsoftAJAX_EndRequest = function (sender, args)
if (args.get_error() != undefined)
var errorMessage = args.get_error().message;
alert("Error in ajax call : " + errorMessage);
clearLoading(); //clear loading
if (disableAllButtonOnSubmit)
//enable all button
//Call Microsoft AJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunciton() if available
if (typeof (microsoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction) == 'function')
//empty the postback element
postbackTriggerElement = null;
hidePageLoader(); //hide page loader
//this can be override by calling set ajax page loaded
var microsoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction = function (updatedPanelId)
//baseUI. microsoft AJAX Page Loaded Additional funxtion
//you can write default function here
//this can be override by calling set ajax end request
var microsoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction = function ()
//baseUI. microsoft AJAX End Request Additional funxtion
//you can write default function here
//override ajax end request
var overrideMicrosoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction = function (func)
microsoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction = func;
//override ajax page loaded
var overrideMicrosoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction = function (func)
microsoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction = func;
//use for postback
var setupPostbackControlEvents = function ()
//show loading before postback
$(ddlPostbackSelector).live("change", function (e)
//e.preventDefault();//cannot prevent default, it won't go to onclick
//filter search keyword
$(txtPostbackSelector).live("change", function (e)
//e.preventDefault();//cannot prevent default, it won't go to onclick
$(btnPostbackSelector).live("click", function (e)
//e.preventDefault(); //cannot prevent default, it won't go to onclick
if ($(this).hasClass("clearValidation"))
//check if it has class clear validation
$(chkPostbackSelector + " input").live("change", function (e)
//e.preventDefault(); //cannot prevent default, it won't go to onclick
showLoadingBeforePostback(this, true);
removeAllValidationError(); //it will clear validation - usually this will change the view
//setup Dropdown Item
var setupDropdownItem = function ()
//find drop down item trigger
$('.dropdownItemTrigger').each(function ()
// Make the drop down cart appear/disappear.
var boxSelector = $(this).attr('rel');
// Set natural height and other properties of hidable object.
$(boxSelector).data('naturalHeight', $(boxSelector).height());
display: 'none',
bottom: 'auto'
// Create back reference.
$(boxSelector).data('trigger', $(this));
$('.dropdownItemTrigger').live("click", function (e)
var $trigger = $(this);
// Don't do anything if the drop down item is already animating.
if ($trigger.hasClass('disabled')) return false;
// Find direction.
var direction = $trigger.hasClass('maximise') ? 1 : -1;
// Find effect type.
var classes = $trigger.attr('class'); //.match(/effect-/);
var effect = $trigger.attr('class').match(/\beffect-[a-z]{1,}/);
// Make the drop down cart appear/disappear.
var boxSelector = $trigger.attr('rel');
if (boxSelector == shoppingCartControl.shoppingCartControlSelector)
$(boxSelector).trigger('dropdowntoggle', [direction, effect]);
$('.dropdownItem').live('dropdowntoggle', function (e, direction, fxtype)
var $dropdownItem = $(this);
var $trigger = $'trigger');
// Ensure direction.
if (isNaN(direction)) direction = $dropdownItem.hasClass('shown') ? -1 : 1;
// Disable trigger.
// Set states. / cursor
$trigger.toggleClass('maximise', direction == -1);
$trigger.toggleClass('minimise', direction == 1);
$dropdownItem.toggleClass('hidden', direction == -1);
$dropdownItem.toggleClass('shown', direction == 1);
// Effect
//var currPosition = $dropdownItem.css('top').replace(/([a-z]+)/, '') * 1
var currPosition; // = direction == 1 ? $dropdownItem.height() * -1 : 0;
var displacement; // = $dropdownItem.height(); //$'naturalHeight');
var newPosition; // = currPosition + displacement * direction;
// Toggle drop down item + Effect
if (fxtype == 'effect-slide')
// Calculate new values.
currPosition = direction == 1 ? ($dropdownItem.height() * -1) : 0 - 50;
displacement = $dropdownItem.height(); //$'naturalHeight');
newPosition = currPosition + displacement * direction;
// Execute
display: 'block',
top: currPosition
top: newPosition
}, 400, function ()
$trigger.toggleClass('active', direction == 1);
// if (fxtype=='effect-fade') {
// Calculate new values.
var currOpacity = direction == 1 ? 0 : 1;
var newOpacity = direction == 1 ? 1 : 0;
display: 'block',
top: 0,
opacity: currOpacity
opacity: newOpacity
}, 400, function ()
$trigger.toggleClass('active', direction == 1);
if (direction == -1)
//hide the display
$dropdownItem.css({display: 'none'});
/*this doesn't work for shopping cart in IE 6*/
var setupDropdownItemUsingJqueryUI = function ()
//Bind Drop down item - just require this button
$('.dropdownItemTriggerBlind').live("click", function (e)
var $trigger = $(this);
// Make the drop down cart appear/disappear.
var boxSelector = $trigger.attr('rel');
//check if it is shopping cart control
if (boxSelector == shoppingCartControl.shoppingCartControlSelector)
//using jquery.ui toggle( effect, [options], [speed], [callback] )
$(boxSelector).toggle('blind', null, 300);
/*Setup Events - This will be call unsynchronously*/
var setupEvents = function ()
{ //setup postback control events
//setup drop down
//for login trigger
$(".txtTriggerLogin").live("change", function (e)
$(".txtTriggerLogin").live("keypress", function (e)
//$.log('run from DISABLE DEFAULT BUtton');
return runFunctionOnEnter(e,
function ()
// Removes SEO text in navItems
// Clears input fields on Focus
// Title must match the value to clear.
$(".clearField").live("blur", function ()
if ($(this).val() == "")
$(".clearField").live("focus", function ()
if ($(this).val() == $(this).attr("title"))
//bind shopping cart
//cart = new SiteUI.ShoppingCart();
var bindDefaultBehaviour = function ()
//init ajax request behaviour
//disable default button
//set droppy menu
shoppingCartControl = new SiteUI.ShoppingCartControl();
//run this async
setTimeout(function ()
//apply filter textbox
}, 0);
var init = function ()
//return public method
return {
bindDefaultBehaviour: bindDefaultBehaviour,
formValidator_CallBack: formValidator_CallBack,
redirectContent: redirectContent,
setupPostbackControlEvents: setupPostbackControlEvents,
loadContent: loadContent,
updateContent: updateContent,
clearLoading: clearLoading,
showLoadingBeforePostback: showLoadingBeforePostback,
showHideLoadingOnContent: showHideLoadingOnContent,
showPageLoader: showPageLoader,
hidePageLoader: hidePageLoader,
setAjaxProcessMessage: setAjaxProcessMessage,
setDisableAllButtonOnSubmit: setDisableAllButtonOnSubmit,
overrideMicrosoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction: overrideMicrosoftAJAX_EndRequest_AdditionalFunction,
overrideMicrosoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction: overrideMicrosoftAJAX_PageLoaded_AdditionalFunction